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Jet OUT Customer Profile: Trish Stark

Meet Trish Stark, an instrument-rated pilot who owns and operates two of her own aircraft and is also a Jet OUT co-owner. 

Trish and her husband Don own a share in the Daher TBM 960, the fast and efficient turboprop that is part of the Jet OUT fleet that saves our customers an extraordinary amount of time while flying in comfort. “The TBM works wonderfully for our needs,” she says. 



When Trish is not flying her own 2016 Cirrus SR 22 or 1946 Vintage Ercoupe, she utilizes Jet OUT to transport her family and pets to a variety of locations across North America. “We have homes in different parts of the country including Quebec, Florida, Wisconsin, and New Zealand. We also have friends and family all over,” she explained. 

Trish often enjoys flying her own aircraft. Other times, she prefers to sit back and let Jet OUT do the work. 

“Sometimes if the forecast is really nasty, even though I’m instrument rated, I don’t want to fly in weather that’s challenging. I often feel safer knowing that the Jet OUT pilots are capable of handling anything that comes up,” she explained. “With no hassle of waiting in airport lines at crowded gates or stress from flying myself in difficult weather conditions, I arrive fresh, rested and ready for the next adventure.” 

So how did Trish find Jet OUT? She initially linked up with Jet OUT Sales Director Mitch Wild, an experienced pilot who was her Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot after her purchase of the SR22. “Mitch and I developed a great friendship and he taught me a lot,” she added. 


Jet Out Fleet Dec 2021

Benefits of Home Town Aviation Services 

Trish touts the high safety standards and personalization of the home-town service received with Jet OUT over other options in the charter and fractional ownership market. 

“I’ll give you an example of Jet OUT’s personal touch,” she said. “I recently had a flight scheduled and our plans changed twice after our initial flight request. The answer from Jet OUT has alway been, ‘sure, whatever you need.’ The fact that we can, at the last minute, change our plans and the Jet OUT concierge service will try to accommodate us any way they can is great. I called them this morning and asked if they could reserve us two rental cars at the airport we were flying into and also add another passenger to our flight. The ability to make such last minute changes makes it effortless and worthwhile.” 



Jet Out Pilots Dec 2021

With Jet OUT, two pilots are always positioned in the cockpit and Jet OUT’s fleet of Daher TBM aircraft feature HomeSafe™ auto land technology. Jet OUT achieves the same level of safety and consistency as the major airlines and it shows. 

“The biggest pluses of signing up with Jet OUT were the safety of having professional pilots flying us and myself not having to worry about bad weather,” she says. “I also think the convenience of having Jet OUT be based locally is huge. It saves us a lot of time and there is unlimited flexibility in scheduling with Jet OUT. It is just so easy to call and schedule.”

Before joining Jet OUT, Trish tried other private jet services. “I had good service but I didn’t use them very often,” she said. “There was always the deadhead to worry about, they were very expensive, and it just wasn’t as easy as Jet OUT because they were not based in my hometown. In the end it didn’t work out that well for us, especially when I could sometimes fly myself to places for a fraction of the cost.” 

Jet OUT Continues To Expand Private Aviation Benefits 

Jet OUT interviewed Trish after a recent trip. She is excited about the growth Jet OUT is experiencing and the enhanced options in the works for co-owners that will further enhance economies of scale and operational flexibility. 

Jet OUT: What locations do you frequently fly to from your home base? 

Trish Stark: We often fly to Florida. If I fly commercial, I have to go to either Tampa or Ft Myers if I want a really good price. If I don’t mind paying more I can fly to Sarasota but I am still 45 minutes away from where I live. If I fly on Jet OUT, I can fly directly to Venice, Florida and be home in minutes. 



We have a home in the Laurentian Mountains about an hour and half northwest of Montreal. When I am flying myself, I don’t feel that comfortable flying over the Great Lakes, so I go north to Sault Ste. Marie Michigan and east from there which takes me half a day. Now with Jet OUT, I can leave early in the morning and be there in two hours. I don’t have to do any flight planning. I don’t have to check the weather. It is just effortless. 



JO: How is Jet OUT different from other charter or fractional ownership providers you have used in the past? 

TS: With Jet OUT, it’s much more personal. It is so easy to reach whoever I need to talk to and get any other questions answered. The staff is courteous and very professional. The pilots and ground crew are all very friendly and down to earth. Because Jet OUT is a local company, there is a family friendly feeling each time I am there. 

Other companies try to personalize their services but it is not the same as having a local company. They used contract pilots who were not their own employees. With them, I don’t think I ever had the same pilots twice. 

It is the little touches that I notice. For example if it is raining outside the ground crew will move the plane into the hangar, so we don’t have to get wet boarding. Then they make sure that a large umbrella is available in case it is raining at our destination. Our beverages of choice

will be onboard as well as warm freshly baked cookies. Jet OUT makes me feel as though I’m living the dream. I like supporting a local company, I think they do a great job, and they are very open to my suggestions. 

JO: Jet OUT gives its customers more flexibility with its utilization. Have you taken advantage of Jet OUT's half day program? If so, what do you like about it and does this model differ from past private aviation and charter operators you have used? 

TS: What we had before was an hourly rate. I like the half day model better. Most of the places we are flying to we can do in a half day flight. If it’s an international flight, we have to be there 3 hours early. Then, when talking about flying to our home in Quebec, I would have to fly from Milwaukee to Chicago, Chicago to New York, New York to Montreal and then have to find a way to travel the last hour and a half via rental car or car service. It takes all day and it is not convenient compared to pampering ourselves with Jet OUT. 

JO: How would you rate the Jet OUT pilots? The overall Jet OUT customer experience? 

TS: I would rate the pilots A+. They have been very kind, very thoughtful, and are very well trained. I have nothing but incredibly positive things to say about the entire staff. 

As far as the experience, it’s been very good. There are a few things, as Jet OUT grows, that they could do to make the customer experience even better. For example, having flight sharing among its members would be very popular and would make a lot of additional people jump on board. This would allow you to contact other members and let them know you have room on your plane if others are heading to the same destination. 

Overall, I think that Jet OUT has improved our quality of life. They go the extra mile. 

Aircraft Co-Ownership with Jet OUT enables our owners to travel on a full or half day basis, providing advantages over other charter and fractional ownership providers. Learn more at about Jet OUT's innovative Co-Ownership program.