Fly private
with Jet OUT

More ownership.
Less fractional.

Jet OUT is the closest thing to owning a private jet without managing your own aircraft. Since 2018, we've streamlined private aviation so our co-owners can fly more efficiently, economically, and enjoyably.

We are different than other aviation companies

What sets Jet OUT apart
from the rest of the industry?

See how you can travel better


Days-based program

Our co-owners can fly 20 days per year, per share.


New aircraft

We operate one of private aviation's newest fleets.


Quality-centric culture

When you fly with us, you fly with us. We do not rely on third-party operators.


Exceptional value

We have the lowest hourly direct costs and monthly fees in the industry.


"Working with Jet OUT provides a whole series of efficiencies for us. It allows us the flexibility to conduct our business when we need to, and how we need to. Having these aircraft at our disposal makes it easier to maximize what a day looks like. We are going to continue relying on Jet OUT for our expansion."

David M.


"There is unlimited flexibility in scheduling with Jet OUT. It is just so easy and much more personal than other providers. Because Jet OUT is a local company, there is a family-friendly feeling each time I fly with them."


Trish S.


Flying with Jet OUT FAQs

We've gathered a list of the most frequently asked questions about Jet OUT private jet co-ownership.

I am thinking about joining Jet OUT's co-ownership
program. Can you tell me about the program?

Jet OUT’s co-ownership program opens up private aviation in a unique way.  Fixed costs are shared across multiple owners, achieving massive operational cost savings. 

With co-ownership, you own part of a specific serial-numbered aircraft. This is true direct asset ownership, and your interest could entitle you to a number of robust tax benefits.  

At the same time, the program achieves utilization rate efficiencies that are unmatched in the private aviation sector by sharing the asset with other owners. 

Jet OUT can offer massive savings to our co-owners by taking a capital asset and dividing the purchase price among many users. Then, with Jet OUT operating the aircraft with a few different co-owners, we get the aggregate utilization rate of that aircraft to a level at which it is very efficient to operate. 

Jet OUT offers aircraft co-owners the best of both worlds. They can potentially realize the tax depreciation benefits that come with whole aircraft ownership and they also get to achieve the operational cost savings that come with owning an aircraft with other parties. 

What is the length of Jet OUT's co-ownership term?

Jet OUT’s co-ownership terms continue for five years. After that timeframe, Jet OUT will market the aircraft for resale as your broker. The aircraft will be sold to a third party in an arms-length transaction. The net sales proceeds will be distributed to you at closing, and the co-ownership term will then end automatically.

What happens at the end of my co-ownership term?

Jet OUT’s co-ownership program is turnkey, and we believe that the end of the term should be as automatic and seamless as using the aircraft. Accordingly, Jet OUT carries out an end-of-term procedure that ensures that the resale value of your aircraft is maximized without requiring any investment of time and effort on your part.

Jet OUT will maximize the resale value of your aircraft. Jet OUT obtains an appraisal of your aircraft from a third party and shares it with you and the other co-owners. If you or other co-owners object to the appraisal, the co-ownership agreements provide for a resolution process that allows you or other co-owners to submit your own third-party appraisal. Jet OUT then markets your aircraft for resale as your broker in an arms’ arms-length transaction and administers the sale and closing of your aircraft. Jet OUT will find a buyer who agrees to pay a purchase price that is no less than 3% less than the appraised fair market value. At closing, the net sales proceeds are distributed to the co-owners in proportion to their ownership fraction.

Can I claim tax depreciation on my purchase of a co-ownership interest?

Your Jet OUT co-ownership share is true ownership of a hard asset. If your co-ownership interest will be used for qualified business purposes, then you may be able to claim 100% bonus depreciation on the purchase price. We recommend you consult with a tax professional who specializes in aircraft to obtain advice with respect to your particular circumstances. Your Jet OUT sales representative can provide you with a referral to a qualified tax professional. 

What happens if fuel prices increase?

In the Jet OUT co-ownership program, fuel is a direct pass through. You pay the actual cost of the jet fuel consumed for your flights with no additional markup. An original copy of each fuel receipt is attached to your monthly billing statements.

You benefit directly from any volume fuel discounts that Jet OUT receives from FBOs and airports. Our Concierge team is always happy to work with you to reduce your fuel costs by suggesting lower cost airports or FBOs.

Because fuel represents approximately 25% of the total cost of ownership of the aircraft we operate, a 20% increase in fuel costs translates to only an approximately 5% increase in your cost of ownership.

Ready to Jet OUT instead?

We are changing the private aviation industry.

Aircraft co-ownership is more personalized and cost-effective than other aviation programs.